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Main » 2011 » February » 26
Parturition in mares occurs relatively quickly, most often at night. Signs of impending birth in mares are enlargement of the udder and the loosening of pelvic ligaments in which the root of the tail looks like a stilted. One or two days before ozhrebvaneto on teats begin to appear colorless liquid droplets initially and immediately before ozhrebvaneto - colostrum. ... Read more »
Views: 1370 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Bees prepare honey dew of sweet liquid (juice) they collect on certain plants such as oak, maple, willow, pine, spruce, fir, elm, pear, cherries and more. This sweet liquid is called mana, and whence it receives is called honey dew. Elimination is by some species of insects, mainly aphids, which are parasitic on the leaves and young shoot of the plants. These insects feed on the ... Read more »
Views: 714 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (1)

There are two main technologies for rearing for eggs: cellular and floor. More widespread is the cage, but the floor also is widely used in laying parents to obtain fertilized eggs.
Cell raising chickens for eggs

In cage hens were placed in batteries and they remain for about a year - the time that cover one cycle of oviparous.

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Views: 630 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

During the first three weeks postpartum milk is the only food for small rabbits. Therefore, the milk yield of the doe is extremely important for the development and growth of rabbits during this period. On zaytsevadite is well known that the higher milk yield is a doe, the greater is the possibility it better to raise newborn bunnies.

Rabbi ... Read more »
Views: 681 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Colostrum is the first and indispensable food of the newborn calf. Calves fed with colostrum 1-2 hours after birth. In the first power depending on the particle size of the calf is given by 0.5 to 1 kg colostrum. Then gradually increase its quantity in reaching up to 2 kg per meal, or up to 6-8 kg colostrum per day. Usually calves are fed colostrum 3-4 times a day. ... Read more »
Views: 614 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Milk formation is a complex biological process which is determined by breed survivors and individual characteristics of animals, but the most important and decisive condition for obtaining more and better quality milk is the feeding of cows. Rations of cows should contain the necessary nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, fats - and are rich in vitamins, minerals and others.

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Views: 606 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Nutrition and proper care of sheep affecting the greatest impact on their physical development and productivity. Well-fed animals have healthy bone, are resistant to diseases and have higher milk yield and fertility.

When considering the demand for feed in productive areas, farmers must know that they refer to highly productive animals with combined rather than domestic sheep.

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Views: 689 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

The use of ostrich meat and eggs begin relatively soon, before 150-200 years. Large farms ostriches appear in Egypt, Algeria, New Zealand, Argentina, USA, Australia, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Holland, Britain, France, Germany, Poland and Canada. It is known that ostriches are traditionally grown in tropical countries where temperatures reached 40 ° C, but they adapt well in northern regions.

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Views: 658 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Healthy cattle have refreshed appearance, clear and alert eyes. Mucous membranes around the nose and mouth are moist, fresh and with normal temperature. His hair smooth and shiny. An important sign of good health are normal temperature, normal pulse rate and breathing and regular eating and rumination. ... Read more »
Views: 604 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Rebuttal old beliefs, home hog stands well ahead in the scale of "intelligence" from other livestock. It requires people who work with swine, to treat them with understanding, patience and calm.

A particular attention is paid to the sows and boars. Contacts and mutual trust, start by setting them in the repair groups, ie of 4-6 months of age.

What you need to f ... Read more »
Views: 627 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Members of the royal family Royal family consists of three forms individuals - queen bee, worker bees and drones. The three forms differ in their anatomical and physiological features, functions and numbers. Despite these differences they are in a complex biological relationships and unity among themselves.
... Read more »
Views: 662 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

To find out your cat's need to know how she communicates. Cats show their feelings, moods, desires through a complex combination of postures, sounds and characteristic behavior. With sounds that they issue poses that occupy the places which mark they show the world exactly how they feel and what they want.

Body language

Body ... Read more »
Views: 640 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

At first glance, they look different from other dogs. Have four legs, tail, four paws and .. six fingers - that's right and then to each paw. Additional fingers are the first indication that the breed

Lyundehund (Lundehund) is not like other dogs. Lyundehund is the rarest breed in the world and is still little known. ... Read more »
Views: 614 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Chinchilla is a rodent which inhabits the Andes mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Chinchillas are bred in captivity since 1923 mainly for their hides. Today they are grown for two reasons: the pet and fur.

Chinchilla Nutrition

A number of preparations for the chinchilla pellets, but can not always find them at your local store. ... Read more »
Views: 10040 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (19)

Heck one of the main problems in guinea pig and its causes are many. Most often it is due to external parasites such as fleas, mites and lice.


Cat flea (Ctrenocephalides felis) most commonly affects the guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are infected most often when there are other pets that carry fleas on them. ... Read more »
Views: 1803 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (1)

Wet tail

This is a very serious bowel disease in young hamsters, which usually ends in death. Sick hamsters have a wet and dirty queue of diarrhea occurred. The disease is not transmitted to humans. Observed predominantly in the 3-6 week hamsters. Since most of the hamsters in pet shops are just at this age, the disease may occur soon after purchase.
... Read more »
Views: 557 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

If a doe died after giving birth or if malomlechna or bore many offspring must seek another which bore little to transfer yield of dead doe, the difference in age between the bunnies should not be more than two days. When attributes of the majority are numerous and must be transferred only some of the other one doe, take up the biggest, because the second doe bunni ... Read more »
Views: 571 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

Infectious disease in poultry and wild birds cause Pasteurella multocida. Cholera is mainly imported infection and shows pronounced kontagioznost (exogenous infection with epizootic nature). Pastyorelonositelstvo can not be found in healthy flocks. Might occur carrier (in nosoglatkata or in any internal organs), which is the result of infection w ... Read more »
Views: 599 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (0)

RESPIRATORY mycoplasmas, chronic respiratory disease

Subchronic or chronic contagious disease of poultry which is caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Sources of infection are clinically ill birds and contaminants. The mechanism of infection is mainly by airborne means. Especially important is the spread and the possibility of transovarialnoto transmission of infection by this route infected chickens hatch. Mycoplasmas is characterized by high morbidity and relatively low mortality is conducted as monoinfektsiya. The mortality rate can be increased significantly with other complications and bacterial pathogens in the presence of other predisposing factors of non-infectious nature. ... Read more »
Views: 11495 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (24)

Rickets is a disease of adolescent dogs, in which abnormal calcium-phosphorus turnover combined with a lack of vitamin D. The disease is severe and unpleasant, at best, will leave the dog bowlegged for life, and at worst would destroy the bone his body ..

Rickets is a disease of adolescent dogs, in which abnormal ca ... Read more »
Views: 688 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (10)

The old shepherds remember rainy years that especially in late autumn many sheep in their flocks, especially dzviskite, abortion. Initially abort single sheep, but after a week or two abortions as frequent wave and covering up to 30-40 per cent of pregnant animals. They become fearful disaster for the herd. Appeared predominantly in November a ... Read more »
Views: 3795 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (7)

Ghana in dogs is acute kontagiozna viral disease, manifested by a complex set of simpatomi under which the fore stand fever, catarrhal-inflammatory processes of mucosa, skin exanthema and nerve disorders.


Classification of the causative

Virus family Paramyxoviridae, containing RNA. In terms similar to the antigenic agent of influenza type A, measles and poliomyelitis in man and infectious laringotraheit rinderpest
Resistance to physical and chemical factors
In the frozen remains very long (in dried tissue - for 4 months at a temperature of -10 to -14 ° C - one year and lyophilized at -24 ° C - 5 years).
Ordinary disinfectants (2% sodium h ... Read more »
Views: 87734 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.26.2011 | Comments (29)






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