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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » Feeding ewes
4:07 PM
Feeding ewes
Nutrition and proper care of sheep affecting the greatest impact on their physical development and productivity. Well-fed animals have healthy bone, are resistant to diseases and have higher milk yield and fertility.

When considering the demand for feed in productive areas, farmers must know that they refer to highly productive animals with combined rather than domestic sheep.

Important place in feeding sheep for wool, meat and milk (and tankorunni polutankorunni) covers the issue of the structure of the species feed in the annual balance. In high-productivity sheep bred in this country can not be relied upon nutrient needs will be satisfied by grazing. In our pastures are small and most of them are cultivated. To obtain maximum productivity, the structure of rations for ewes should be involved 20-22% concentrates, 13% hay, 25% silage and juicy feeds and 40% green grass and grazing. In the absence of concentrated feed 1 kg of it may be replaced by about 2.5 kg hay, 5.5 to 6 kg of pasture grass or oat-fievo mixture.

And based on that structure of the ration for one sheep with Doina milk yield 110 kg, 4.4 kg valnodobiv and live weight 55 kg is necessary to provide for a permanent year around 150 kg of concentrated feed, hay and 200 kg succulent feed 730 kg 1500 kg silage and grazing and green fodder. Such is the quantity of different types of feed and tankorunnite krosbrednite and sheep with the same live weight, with lower milk yield - 70 kg, but higher valnodobiv - 7 to 7.5 kg.

For tsigayskite sheep live weight 48 kg, 4 kg and valnodobiv milk yield 60 kg require about 130 kg of concentrated feed, hay, 190 kg, 500 kg silage and juicy feeds and about 1300 kg green fodder and grazing.
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