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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » Biology of colonies
3:26 PM
Biology of colonies
Members of the royal family Royal family consists of three forms individuals - queen bee, worker bees and drones. The three forms differ in their anatomical and physiological features, functions and numbers. Despite these differences they are in a complex biological relationships and unity among themselves.
Mother: It lays eggs in 1500 - 2000 daily. In the family there is only one parent.

Worker bees: They can not mate with the drones, but in special cases, lay unfertilized eggs. Their number is volatile - in the spring reached about 15,000 to 20,000 in the summer - about 60,000 to 70,000 and decreased again in autumn.
Drones: virginal develops - from unfertilized eggs. Their number depends on the reproductive abilities of the family, maternal age, the amount of the supers and the state of the royal family. Drones and workers in the royal family have certain relationships. Drones are adopted by each family.
Life royal family during the year. During different seasons of life swarms are amended. It is divided into two periods - the active and relative peace.
Period active: usually begins in early February when the mother bee begins to lay their first eggs. With the coming of spring and the warming weather starts to bloom early spring honey plants. Bees begin to collect and carry nectar and pollen. This fresh food very exciting act of royal family. Worker bees start to eat hard mother and she began laying eggs. This leads to an increase in the quantity of hatched young bees in the spring and to die of exhaustion of old ones. Replacement ends in mid April. The number of worker bees is increasing rapidly and so the family prepares to use the main pasha.Postapvaneto of more nectar and pollen in hives maximizes the activity of the royal family. Thereby accumulating food stocks as a royal family, and the overblown pchelarya.Sled the main honey plants, the main grazing passes and bees are much lower. Bees process the nectar into honey and released cellule. The mother begins to lay eggs in empty cells, which is preparing the family for zimuvane.Podgotovkata wintering can be guided and assisted by beekeeper.
If during the main grazing does not have space to work in the hive, families fall into roevo condition. They begin to flock to and can get one, two, three or more roeve from the same family, which led to his strong depletion. Such families are unable to earn food for the winter and die. Therefore, the beekeeper must seize the honey from hives to release blank discs and employs bees.
With the cessation of grazing greatly weakening instinct of reproduction ceases bees and then expulsion of the drones. The family is preparing for the winter. With cooling time bees are collected - tightly between supers. In lower ambient temperature to 13 - 14C bees produce royal ball.
Period of relative peace: collected a ball in winter bees maintain a temperature of 14 - 25S. They take little food individually and through weak movements of the legs, chest muscles and body give the required heat in the hive.
Bee products. Bees provide valuable products that man uses - beeswax, honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom.

Bee med.Hrana high percentage usvoyaemost.Hranitelno-dietetic properties, antimicrobial activity.

Bee vosak.V industrialized-pharmaceutical, paper, perfume, leather and more.

Color prashets.Sadarzha protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and others., Vitamins (C, B, D, E).

Royal mlechitse.V medicine, improves cardiac function in anemiy, nevralgiy and others.

Propolis (propolis). In medicine, cosmetics and more.

Honey otrova.Pri rheumatic diseases radikolit, neurological diseases.
To collect 1 kg copper, they have to offer in the hive from 120,000 to 150,000 cargo and 1 kg of nectar should visit the 7500 colors of red clover or 2 million colors on white acacia. To rework the nectar into honey 1 kg, it is necessary to work in 1000 bees for 3 days.

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