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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » Ostriches - exotic birds or domestic pets?
4:00 PM
Ostriches - exotic birds or domestic pets?
The use of ostrich meat and eggs begin relatively soon, before 150-200 years. Large farms ostriches appear in Egypt, Algeria, New Zealand, Argentina, USA, Australia, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Holland, Britain, France, Germany, Poland and Canada. It is known that ostriches are traditionally grown in tropical countries where temperatures reached 40 ° C, but they adapt well in northern regions.

African ostrich (Struhio camelus) lived 70 years. Female 3 years of age begins to lay eggs. For years she lays 40-50 eggs and preserve their reproductive capabilities 35-40 years. For optimal care and feeding for a year can grow 20 to ostrich meat, the slaughter of them received 840 kg. meat and fat, and 25 m2 fur and feathers for decoration. Neither type of livestock are not able to give a quantity of meat per year.

From ostrich is a red meat diet low in cholesterol, which can be recommended for all ages. Ostriches are omnivorous and can eat a low protein content (12%). Furthermore, green grass, hay and grain in their diet includes beets, carrots, cabbage leaves, waste from processing of fruit and vegetables. If the total cost of broiler meat to feed the proportion is 70-80%, the ostriches in the figure is 50-60%. Adults African ostriches reach height of 2 meters or more, and live weight 160 kg. Females are about 2 meters in height and weighing 110 kg. Usually, the family consists of two females and one male. Females under natural conditions lay their eggs on the ground prepared nest and the male incubating 42-43 days to hatching shtrauschetata.

Ostriches have a finger nail horned, which pierced the shell of the egg. In the steppes and deserts in search of food per day ostriches can travel up to 20 km. In free-running African ostrich reaches 70 km / h. Under natural conditions, African ostriches live 50 years or more. Usually, this bird is not aggressive.
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