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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » Milk yield of the doe - what should I know?
4:19 PM
Milk yield of the doe - what should I know?
During the first three weeks postpartum milk is the only food for small rabbits. Therefore, the milk yield of the doe is extremely important for the development and growth of rabbits during this period. On zaytsevadite is well known that the higher milk yield is a doe, the greater is the possibility it better to raise newborn bunnies.

Rabbit milk in its chemical composition is significantly different from the milk of other farm animals.

In terms of dry matter, energy, protein, fat and minerals rabbit milk ranks first. This may explain the rapid growth of newborn rabbits. For example, the live weight of newborn rabbits is doubling day 6 and on day 13 are 10 times heavier than at birth. This intensive growth of newborn rabbits is determined primarily by the quality and quantity of rabbit milk they receive from their mothers. So one of the crucial conditions for obtaining good results in the rabbit is zaykinite to have high milk yield.
How to increase milk yield of zaykinite?

Milk yield of zaykinite vary quite widely - from 50 to 350 g per day, which is determined by the action of the following factors: heredity, health, nutrition, lactation, and weather conditions. Skillful use of these factors zaytsevadite can contribute to a significant increase in milk yield zaykinite. When the team should be allowed bunnies breeding zaykini high milk yield. This is a fundamental requirement to obtain more offspring than one doe. However, nutrition is the main factor by which to increase milk yield of zaykinite. Proper nutrition of lactating zaykini maintain their good physical condition and stimulate mlekoobrazuvaneto and mlekootdelyaneto. During this period overlap mainly succulent feed such as beetroot, carrots, and in summer the main feed should be alfalfa, which is given dim.
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