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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » How to recognize sick animals?
3:56 PM
How to recognize sick animals?
Healthy cattle have refreshed appearance, clear and alert eyes. Mucous membranes around the nose and mouth are moist, fresh and with normal temperature. His hair smooth and shiny. An important sign of good health are normal temperature, normal pulse rate and breathing and regular eating and rumination. The normal temperature of cattle is 37,5-39,5 ° C, normal pulse rate - 40-80 beats per minute, and breathing - 12-30 breaths per minute.

Diseased animals is low-spirited, with indifferent glance, without appetite, and reluctantly walked with incomplete step, his hair bristling and dull, temperature, pulse rate and breathing increase. Animal is not experienced or suffered lifeless. Nasal mirror (hairless area around the nose and mouth) is hot and dry, horns and ears getting hot or cool. Stools become abnormal - Rare or hard, with an unpleasant smell and sometimes mixed with blood or mucus. In some cases represented tears, cough, tremor, constipation, swelling, rash, etc..

The temperature is measured with a thermometer. It is inserted gently opening of the rectum (anus) of the animal and attached to its tail. After standing there for at least 5 minutes, remove the thermometer and read temperature. After use, it will be cleared and removed with alcohol or another disinfectant.

Respiratory count by monitoring movements of the chest and the pulse is counted as three fingers are placed on any convenient palpating artery. In cattle, it is convenient artery of the mandible.
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