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Main » 2011 » February » 26 » Mycoplasmas INFLUENZA
2:28 PM
Mycoplasmas INFLUENZA
RESPIRATORY mycoplasmas, chronic respiratory disease

Subchronic or chronic contagious disease of poultry which is caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Sources of infection are clinically ill birds and contaminants. The mechanism of infection is mainly by airborne means. Especially important is the spread and the possibility of transovarialnoto transmission of infection by this route infected chickens hatch. Mycoplasmas is characterized by high morbidity and relatively low mortality is conducted as monoinfektsiya. The mortality rate can be increased significantly with other complications and bacterial pathogens in the presence of other predisposing factors of non-infectious nature. Most often in flocks are found mixed infection with E. coli.

Clinical disease is characterized by signs of the respiratory system. Be established shortness of breath, breathing rusty, fluttering, rhinitis, swelling of the sinuses and okolochnite adhesion of the eyelids. Birds do not fully absorb the food and the lag in growth and development.

Postmortem changes include catarrhal sinusitis and rhinitis, tracheitis and aerosakulit (inflammation of the air bags). In mixed infection is established and to serofibrinozni gnoynofibrinozni aerosakuliti, perihepatiti and pericarditis.

2. INFECTIOUS synovitis

Infectious disease of birds caused by oeto species Mycoplasma synoviae and affects mostly chickens and turkey for a month about three months old. The infection is transmitted transovarialno. Develop kliichno the occurrence of exudative Bursal and tendinitis, accompanied by swelling of the joints and tendon sheaths with subsequent lameness. Are possible and respiratory disorders.

3. Mycoplasma AEROSAKULIT in turkeys

Etiological this specific turkeys infectious disease Varzva with Mycoplasma meleagridis. Often, however, there are mixed infections involving M. iowae or M. synoviae.

Ill mostly young turkey from 3 weeks to 3 months varast. In vazratnite turkeys latent infection.

Mycoplasmas aerosakulit is manifested by developmental delay, increasing mortality rates among teenagers, skeletal disorders and very rarely, respiratory signs. The presence of ifektsiyata is associated with increased rates of embryo mortality, and this in the first half of the development of poult embryo.

Suitable following preparations:

Baytril 10% oral (Baytril 10% oral), Oksivet - 20% pulvis (Oxyvet - 20% powder), Neo-oksivet pulvis (Neo-oxyvet powder), Oksivet - 10% - Premix (Oxyvet - 10% - premix).
Views: 11496 | Added by: julkaa | Rating: 0.0/0
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