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Increased blood pressure is a health problem, which in any case should not be underestimated. Moreover, noting that high blood pressure increases the risk for serious illness from which mortality is highest - heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, etc. Therefore, measures against hypertension are required, and the constant medical supervision. Not only drugs but can help.
My articles | Views: 517 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.25.2011 | Comments (0)

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the internal layer of the arteries accumulate fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances, forming the so-called atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, the plates harden, the arteries become narrowed and the flow of oxygen-rich blood to organs and other parts of the body decreases. Atherosclerosis can lead to serious health problems, including heart attack, stroke and even death.
My articles | Views: 1145 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.25.2011 | Comments (0)

Extract from bilberries can ease breathing in some types of asthma.
My articles | Views: 544 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (0)

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, causing attacks of Wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and cough.
My articles | Views: 587 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (1)

On every seventh bodies do not work at full speed

Diseased kidneys are about to become a new global epidemic. Many people currently suffer from heart, high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes. The relationship between these diseases and kidney failure, however, is extremely narrow, the researchers found. According to them, nobody can tell where one begins and ends things. Anemia does is one of the most common complications that lead to diseased kidneys.
My articles | Views: 488 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (0)

Anemia is a condition in which the number of erythrocytes and / or concentration of hemoglobin in the blood are decreased below normal for age and gender.

My articles | Views: 516 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (0)

Molecule of natural origin, called resveratrol, affects the level of insulin in mice even when they were subjected to a diet rich in fat. Rezveratrolat is a plant antioxidant that is contained in the seeds, skins and in small quantities in leaves of grape.
My articles | Views: 522 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (0)

Diabetes (diabetes) is a disorder of metabolism - the way our body uses food utilized for growth and energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose - the form in which sugar circulates in the blood. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body.

My articles | Views: 534 | Added by: julkaa | Date: 02.24.2011 | Comments (0)

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