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How to download high blood pressure without medication?
Increased blood pressure is a health problem, which in any case should not be underestimated. Moreover, noting that high blood pressure increases the risk for serious illness from which mortality is highest - heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, etc. Therefore, measures against hypertension are required, and the constant medical supervision. Not only drugs but can help.

The first measure in this direction is to achieve a healthy weight, then you can proceed to implementing the following strategies:

Regular walks with a quick tempo can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients with 6-8 points. In exercise heart absorb oxygen more efficiently and pump blood with less effort. Help your heart by moving at least half an hour a day. Try to gradually increase the speed of movement and distances traveled.

Slow and deep breathing and meditation reduce stress hormones. They increase the renal enzyme renin, which in turn raises blood pressure. Every morning and evening for 5 minutes inhale deeply and exhale as you release the tension.

Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables are an important part of all programs to lower blood pressure. The best sources of potassium are potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, bananas, green beans, peas, melons, raisins and prunes.

Salt has a significant role in increasing blood pressure in adults and hereditary predisposed to hypertension. Nutritionists say that people take at least two to three times more than the recommended daily intake of salt. Most salt is taken through the chemically treated foods. Instead of salterns, better flavor dishes with spices, herbs and lemon.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that make blood vessels more elastic. In particular the study found that 18% of the patients who ate chocolate every day, lowered their blood pressure. Cocoa in chocolate must be at least 70%.

Q10 supplements reduce blood pressure by 10-17 points, according to specific tests. This antioxidant dilates blood vessels. Shall nevertheless be counsel to your doctor.

Very small amounts of alcohol would help. Study of patients at Brigham Hospital in Boston showed that consumption of a quarter to half a drink per day / 150 years of wine or hard liquor 20 /, lowers blood pressure more easily than if you do not drink any alcohol. There are many experts who argue that moderate drinking - up to 1 drink per day for women and 2 men - can reduce the risk of heart disease.

3 cups of coffee contains 100-125 milligrams of caffeine, the same amount of tea - 50 mg, and Coca-Cola - 40 mg.

The influence of caffeine on blood pressure is the subject of prolonged disputes between professionals. According to some studies such an effect exists, but researchers from Duke University found that consuming 500 milligrams of caffeine - about 3 cups of coffee a day - raises blood pressure by 4 points.
Caffeine raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. It enhances the effects of stress, but when one is stressed, his heart begins to pump more blood from which blood pressure rises.

Tea karkade / hibiscus. Research by scientists from the University Tafts found that patients who consumed 3 cups of tea karkade daily for 6 weeks, blood has fallen by 7 points.

Congestion in the office. Researchers in California studied more than 24 thousand inhabitants of the state and found that over 41 hours in the office during the week increased the risk of high blood pressure by 15%. According to them, overtime reduces the ability of people to exercise and eat healthily. Determine your a reasonable time for completion of duties to you have time for a little movement and cook healthy food.

Pleasant music lowers blood pressure. Besides that one feels really good under the influence of music, its medical action has been demonstrated by researchers from Florence. In experiment 28 hypertensive heard soothing classical music in half an hour a day, during which time breathed slowly. After a month the blood pressure fell an average of 4.4 points.

Try to cure snoring. Permanent heavily snoring is one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea. Scientists from the University of Alabama found that many sufferers of apnea have higher levels of the hormone aldosterone in the blood, which increases blood pressure. It is estimated that half of people with apnea have high blood pressure. Apnea sufferers experience repeated brief pauses in breathing during sleep, potentially endangering their lives. Moreover, they awaken with a headache and feel tired throughout the day. Treating apnea can reduce the levels of aldosterone and blood pressure.
Category: My articles | Added by: julkaa (02.25.2011)
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