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Diseased kidneys lead to anemia
On every seventh bodies do not work at full speed

Diseased kidneys are about to become a new global epidemic. Many people currently suffer from heart, high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes. The relationship between these diseases and kidney failure, however, is extremely narrow, the researchers found. According to them, nobody can tell where one begins and ends things. Anemia does is one of the most common complications that lead to diseased kidneys.

One of every seven people worldwide have some degree chronic renal failure. Only a few years ago their number was considerably smaller. Then kidney patients had one of ten. Faulty way of life, however, dramatically and rapidly increasing number of victims. When sick kidneys begin to function less well. If the disease is not treated, they may stop completely. Then the only way for man is dialysis or transplantation.

Causes of the disease may be different. High blood often underlies the problem, because damages vessels of the kidneys. Obstruction of the urinary tract due to stones, enlarged prostate or cancer are another cause of damage to organs. Cysts in the kidneys can also lead to reduction of their function. High sugar diabetes or urinary infections are also causes of renal failure. Until it can result in autoimmune diseases like lupus. Symptoms of diseased kidneys are also extremely different. Among them are fatigue, dizziness, back pain, kidney stones, high blood pressure, excessive thirst, swelling, nausea, frequent urination, etc. The reason for this is that the kidneys are the main bodies that contribute to balance in the body. They purify the blood and give out extra water and unnecessary substances. Every 24 hours the kidneys filter the blood and returning to about 200 liters of liquids. Furthermore, functioning as a gland that produces two important hormones. The first is called renin and play a key role in controlling blood pressure. Thanks to it, adjust the level of potassium and sodium in the body. The second is called erythropoietin and is important for the supply of blood with oxygen. Therefore, if the kidneys are damaged, they trigger a string of many other problems. Anemia is one of the main effects. Particularly affects between 60 and 80% of patients with diseased kidneys.

In anemia blood cells have a shorter life and are less in number. The levels of hemoglobin in the blood respectively are lower - less than 13.5 g / dl for men and 12 g / dl in women. Because the body does not have enough oxygen. Then my heart began to work harder. In this way, however, distorted rhythm and increases the risk of heart attack. Therefore, anemia is the main reason people with kidney patients often die of heart.

Anaemia increases the risk of kidney halt. The disease can be treated with medications that stimulate erythropoietin. Thus slow down the progress of renal failure. If the disease does not stop leads to dialysis or transplantation. Here, however, both activities do not like people.
Donors for transplantation and will be waiting for years for surgery. Dialysis centers do an awful depreciated. To not go so far, enough to just walk one to two years of check-in urologist.
Category: My articles | Added by: julkaa (02.24.2011)
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