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5 foods that put on weight
Sometimes losing weight is easy to achieve. But why have to do a good stock of food we eat during the day and are typical of diet.

But the calculation should include, in addition to the meals you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and all those foods that absorb between the main menu.

Experts from Harvard University promised that if it is reducing some of these foods and must begin to sleep about 7 hours a day, the return of the beautiful skyline will be a problem.

Naturally, they add what we know and provided for the introduction of gymnastics in the living arrangements and advice to ... turn off the TV.

Well, summer is possible, right? As the news there are other ways to inform, and 30 minutes before the blue screen will not hurt so much, especially if we biked to the ...

What are these 5 products, from which most put on weight?

Reply study gives Dr. Dariusz Mouzafaryan, extraordinary professor of medicine and epidemiology at Harvard University School of Public Health and Medicine hospital, Brigham Women's Health, which is published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Obesity is actually a function of the body that develops over time. Lines "on weight suddenly" are common and illustrate the prevalence of problem and the need for adherence to proper eating habits. Boring? By the time that really does not prove that we have uploaded 5 or even 10 pounds, which, despite strenuous efforts to lose and even our cravings remain.

The reason for this gain should be looking not only at the time the current year, but in the long run. In most cases, obesity is at stake, even in adolescence, even childhood, when the body has no health problems and look and feel better physically.

The data of 120 000 people on weight, eating habits and health, the research team analyzed by the Harvard professor of three separate major studies impressive period of time, show the correctness of the claim.

To add weight by 1 ½ kg every 4 years, for a period of 20 years is a mass of about 8 kg. The average age of men and women in three studies, respectively: 37, 50 and 52 years, so the conclusion is correct and means that the trend is traceable in adolescence.

Even limiting the amount of fat in the diet does not mean that the problem of weight gain with age is decided. "It does not matter whether you consume low-fat or whole milk." Says Prof. Mouzafaryan.
Category: My articles | Added by: julkaa (06.24.2011)
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