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Thinning hair? Culprits - anemia, stress or just hunger
Many of the problems of hair due to external factors. It becomes dry, brittle and irreparably damaged by longstanding treatment - drying, dyeing, straightening or waving. Condition of the hair shows and condition of the body. In some diseases and some medications it loses its luster, dry and thin.

Cases of thinning hair due to frequent stress or simply because people live longer - as concerns and the natural aging process leading to hair loss. Whatever the reasons for hair loss has a profound effect on self-esteem and mood as well as recovery from illness. When a person has a health problem, condition of the hair is not just a matter of vanity. If you find a way to solve the problem, confidence increases and health improves faster. Diseases can be diagnosed on the condition of hair, but may not suspect you have a problem that your hair thinner.

The body needs iron to produce red blood cells, which supply it with oxygen. Iron deficiency leads to anemia, which means fewer red blood cells. Thus reducing the flow of oxygen to the scalp hair follicles are not powered and hair gradually thinner and sometimes the scalp starts shines.

Other symptoms of anemia are pale skin, lethargy and fatigue. Anemia should be taken iron. Absorption by the body may be difficult from a lack of vitamin C and consumption of caffeine or alcohol. Orange juice and iron-rich foods help restore hair.
Eating disorders

Natural hair growth may stop at a reduced food intake, which suffers from the blood supply to the scalp. Hair loses its luster and began to fall. In a drastic weight loss or calorie restriction hair thinner.

It can restore a balanced diet, but with many proteins. They are vital because hair is made of them. Breakfast should be rich in proteins, as morning content in the hair follicle is the lowest. Be sure to include in your diet foods rich in vitamins, especially B complex, zinc and fatty acids.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This syndrome is caused by an excess of male hormones, leading to thinning of hair over his forehead. This occurs only if women with polycystic ovaries have a genetic history of shedding hair.

When this disease is hair and face and body. To help restore the hair medication to lower male hormones, and head massages, which increase blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles.
Thyroid Problems

The first sign of disorders of thyroid activity may be ruffled hair. Surplus or deficit of thyroid hormones in the body affects the metabolism and the natural cycle of hair growth. Hair thinner overall - back, sides and top - because all suffering follicles.
In these cases, medication. It may be supported by a high-protein diet and massage of the head every morning.

Stress can cause premature graying of hair. Hormones that the body releases in stressful situations affect the absorption of B vitamins that are necessary for pigmentation. Emotional stress can cause alopecia, in which the immune system attacks the cells of the hair and it falls to the bundles.

Often the first manifestation of alopecia is less olesyalo spot on the head or the beard of men.
In premature graying of hair help relaxation exercises and supplements of vitamin B complex. Alopecia treated in various ways, including steroids or light therapy with ultraviolet rays, but in some cases you just have to wait for hair to restore itself, which can happen years later.
Category: My articles | Added by: julkaa (02.26.2011)
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