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Flu or influenza is an acute respiratory infection that is caused by different types of influenza viruses. Influenza viruses are divided into types A, B and C, and they in turn into subtypes. Flu and colds are not the same disease.

Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal flu called influenza epidemics that occur annually, mainly during late autumn and winter.
Pandemic Influenza

The term pandemic refers to the particularly virulent strains of influenza virus, which spread quickly from person to person and cause a global epidemic (pandemic).

Avian Influenza

In nature, wild aquatic birds - ducks and shore birds also suffer from flu. Usually people do not get sick from avian influenza viruses. However, pigs can be infected with bird flu (as well as human forms of influenza) and transmit it to humans. In 1997, it was found that a virulent bird flu has passed from pigs to humans, causing several deaths in Asia.

This case raises concern that if bird flu at some point begin to be transmitted between humans, it is possible emergence of a new pandemic.

Swine Influenza

Influenza A/H1N1 in 2009 (also called "swine flu") is a new strain of flu virus that can cause disease in humans. The first case of infection in Bulgaria was registered in June 2009 in Plovdiv. The virus spreads from person to person worldwide, probably in the same way that seasonal flu viruses spread. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared pandemic influenza A/H1N1.
Category: My articles | Added by: julkaa (02.25.2011)
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